• Running

    Barefoot Treadmill Exercise – Transition to Low Drop Shoes

    Barefoot Treadmill Usage If you’ve been reading articles like THIS ONE you’d be afraid of trying to transition to a low drop shoe. You might want to switch to a maximalist shoe. You might want to start using a minimalist shoe. One thing they tend to have in common is a low drop. That’s when the heel is 0 to 6 MM or so above the toe, standing flat with your weight on the midfoot. Some variance exists in that number, but it’s a safe zone, since some traditional running shoes have drops in the 14 MM range. Now that I’ve made the transition to shoes in the low drop zone…

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  • Running

    Can Maximalist Shoes Cure Your Plantar Fasciitis?

    An article HERE explores “Can Maximalist Shoes Cure Your Plantar Fasciitis?” I have worn Hoka One One maximalist shoes for several years. I started with winter after Elbrus Race 2010. That was winter 2010-2011. Previous to that Asics and Mizuno shoes worked well for me. I thought I was a supinator since most of the time my foot rolled to the outside. I had a running coach analyze my form and he said I was neutral with late-stage pronation. He suggested a neutral cushion shoe. Maximalist Shoes I’ve Used Hoka Mafate WP Hoka Bondi.B Hoka Stinson Hoka Stinson EVO Hoka Stinson Tarmac I underlined the maximalist shoes I’ve especially loved over…

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  • ebook

    Ice Climbing Training Manual UnPublished

    In case you weren’t aware, I unpublished “Ice Climbing Training: In Season Program” last week. That means I took it off the list of available books on Amazon. I am still bound by the publishing contract, so am unable to sell it on my own sites, or on any other book sales site, like B&N. Why unpublish Ice Climbing Training Manual? That’s a good question, but the answer is complicated. When I first published it, I had a few sales and no reviews. Sadly, Amazon really only cares about sales and reviews statistics, and if you don’t have much of either, you could do a search “Ice Climbing Training” and…

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  • Equipment

    To Glove or Not to Glove

    To Glove or Not to Glove? Post by Lose Weight Gain Muscle Newsletter. Please give me a hand here, and like and share this video with all your friends who lift and train. I would enjoy all comments. Thanks! So what’s the deal about gloves? Some powerlifters and bodybuilders, etc. believe that gloves protect the hands from getting callouses that are needed to protect them from the bar. If that’s true then you should never wear gloves, and instead should build up your callouses and earn them. Others believe that a normal person working a normal job who will never ever bench 400 pounds should just wear gloves and not…

  • Running

    Running in Foot Deep Powder

    Today was a great day for a trail run. I went trailrunning this morning at -1F (according to the weather channel). Accuweather had it at -13. I went out on the deck and it felt more like the weather channel had it at -1F so I dressed for that. It was snowing pretty hard and there was at least 8″ of new snow on the ground. I wore a minimum of clothing, in spite of the cold. It’s better to be slightly cold and dry, rather than dressed really warmly but sweat too much. That sweat will chill you if the wind hits it. I wore my Pearl Izumi Trail…

  • Motivation

    Slapping Motivation Upside the Head with a Wet Noodle

    Recently a friend of mine posted in a social media site something about how food is the fuel that runs your body and you don’t want to be starving your body of the nutrition it needs. I thought this was pretty good motivational commentary, so I added the following paraphrase of a Brian Tracy classic: “Imagine you’ve just spent $500,000 on a race horse. What would you feed it? Would you cut corners? The cheapest stuff you can find? Your body is even more valuable.” Almost immediately there were a few demotivational comments. Something along the lines of crippled old horses needing good food, something along the lines of can’t…

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