Vertical K Training: Video on the hill
Training along the flanks of Mount Mahogany outside Pleasant Grove UT. This is a branch of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail with a fork up a Strava Segment titled “Green Monster” which I hadn’t been able to find. This time there was no question and I scurried up to the fork where the segment ended. Logically since it was a T intersection to a relatively flat trail. There were grades of 40% plus on this one. I have a relatively new pair of Altra Running Mens Olympus 1.5 which I’ve been breaking in. First thoughts? The medial support is a little much. The toe rocker was disturbing in the store but…
Vertical K Announcement
Announcement Video from Facebook: Vertical K Coming Up Vertical K Announcement Posted by Seven Summits Body on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Vertical K Stats: 1000 Meters Ascent = 1 Vertical Kilometer = 3,300′ of vertical gain 5 Kilometers of distance or less = 3.1 miles or less 48:00 minutes = typical elite athlete time Quandary = Vertical K Follow me on Facebook and on this blog, register for the NEWSLETTER and I’ll keep you in the loop for all my training as I attempt to succeed in my goals over the next few years.