Treadmill Safety Tips
Treadmill Safety Tips Description A recent high profile treadmill accident resulted in death. At the time of this writing, it’s unclear what exactly happened, and we might never know. In either case, it seems like a good time to share some of my own treadmill safety tips that I’ve developed from several years of riding one. I get in about 300 miles per year on a treadmill, in addition to the 1200 or so outside miles for my own training. First of all, do not become distracted. If you are going to be reading or watching TV, please put it somewhere within peripheral vision of your feet and the belt.…
Strength Training for Cyclists
The research done to date on the effects of strength training for cyclists has brought mixed results. The study done by Ben Hurley at the University of Maryland had 10 sound men begin several exercises. They did chest presses, hip flexors, knee extensions, leg curls, push-ups, leg presses, lat pull-downs, biceps curls, standard squats, and bent-knee sit-ups for 12 weeks. Eight other healthy men served as controls. Following 12 weeks, the strength trained men had enhanced their endurance cycling at a force of 75% V02max by 33% with increased lactate threshold of 12%. These men were untrained before the study and did not complete consistent cycling workouts during the study. The pertinence of this study on strength training for cyclists to genuine competitors is faulty at…