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    Treadmill Safety Tips

    Treadmill Safety Tips Description A recent high profile treadmill accident resulted in death. At the time of this writing, it’s unclear what exactly happened, and we might never know. In either case, it seems like a good time to share some of my own treadmill safety tips that I’ve developed from several years of riding one. I get in about 300 miles per year on a treadmill, in addition to the 1200 or so outside miles for my own training. First of all, do not become distracted. If you are going to be reading or watching TV, please put it somewhere within peripheral vision of your feet and the belt.…

  • Informational

    Training For Goals – Free Webinar

    Like I promised, the Training for Goals Free Webinar came out of the Broken Training Survey HERE and this is one of my favorite topics. In about 20:00 (20 minutes) I break down several goal strategies with some examples from training logs and journals. Please listen and be sure to take some notes. Go HERE to leave feedback please. Every message from you means a lot to me. Thanks! Up Next Also from the “What’s Broken in Your Training Survey” is “Finding Time for Training” – I’ll announce the time tomorrow, but right now it looks like a half hour during an evening early next week. Be sure to subscribe to…

  • Informational

    Food, Water, Emergency Gear for Hiking

    I just put up a YouTube video based on my recent book: Mountaineering Fitness: Beginner Training Manual If you want more information on how to get the book or subscribe to the monthly training program [CLICK HERE] and let’s get training together for the mountain of your dreams. This video shows some of my recommendations about  Snacks Water bottles Purificup Water Purification [CLICK HERE] Goal Zero Battery Pack [CLICK HERE] First Aid Headlamp And More… Check out the video and leave comments if you agree or disagree with any of my own recommendations and preferences. Thanks! httpv:// Training Program Subscription Offer ends June 27 2014. Training Manual publishing August 2014

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    Shoes, Boots and Socks for Hiking and Mountaineering

    I’d like to share my own recommendations for footwear for hiking, mountaineering and training from my current training program: Mountaineering Fitness: Beginner Training Manual If you’d like more info, please check out the page HERE to subscribe to the blog or the program. httpv:// If you’d like to subscribe now, you can do it below or from the page linked above. It’s $30 for 16 weeks of training and includes the eBook text of the training manual, as well as 16 full weeks of training to get you to the top of your mountain this Summer. The form below will reveal the Buy Now button, so submit it and don’t…

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  • Informational

    Losing Weight While Gaining Muscle

    Losing weight while gaining muscle is a topic I hear a lot about. From the people I coach, from other trainers, on message boards and comment threads. It’s a popular topic. A long time ago I went to a seminar for personal trainers. I had lunch with a handful of them and the topic of losing weight while gaining muscle came up among us. One of them was an online and phone remote trainer. There’s nothing wrong with that. I do that now, so I can respect that. He worked for a national chain. When I pointed out the extreme difficulty and unlikelihood of losing weight while gaining muscle, he…

  • Informational

    Steve House Training Seminar Part 1

    At the 2014 Ouray Ice Fest I attended a Steve House Training Seminar based on his most recent book. I’ve been excited by the prospect of looking at this book since I first heard about it a couple of years ago. One of my friends is a Reviewer and told me he was getting an advanced copy and that was also exciting to me. When I looked at the preview of workshops available at the Ice Fest and I saw that Steve House Training Seminar was on the list, I set a timer on my calendar to let me know that registration was open for the workshops at the Ice…