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    Full Body Band Workout – New Training Manual

    It’s finally live on Amazon, Full Body Band Workout and if you want to get the best deal, Friday and Saturday, April 17 and 18, it will be FREE. Yep, FREE. If you have Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime, you can get it for free right now. In order for Prime to get it free, it has to be your monthly selection and borrowed from your Kindle itself. If you order it from the website you’ll get dinged. I know… I’ll fill you in more on the details later, but here’s a quote for you, from the Preface: The Full Body Band Workout is a way to get a complete…

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    Ice Climbing Training Manual UnPublished

    In case you weren’t aware, I unpublished “Ice Climbing Training: In Season Program” last week. That means I took it off the list of available books on Amazon. I am still bound by the publishing contract, so am unable to sell it on my own sites, or on any other book sales site, like B&N. Why unpublish Ice Climbing Training Manual? That’s a good question, but the answer is complicated. When I first published it, I had a few sales and no reviews. Sadly, Amazon really only cares about sales and reviews statistics, and if you don’t have much of either, you could do a search “Ice Climbing Training” and…

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    Mountaineering Fitness Book Teaser

    I’ve been working for a couple years on and off with my Couch to Colorado 14er Training Program. This mountaineering fitness program is going on right now  by Subscription only [HERE]. My group has received their first of 11 emails with the training materials that will get them hiking and to the summit by the end of the summer. I switched over to the more generic sounding “Mountaineering Fitness” category so that I could add in other books for other objectives as time goes forward. This year I want to get people to the top of a 14er or equivalent peak. Who knows what mountaineering fitness goal I can come…