Message From Moab 18 August
Sadly, it looks like Elbrus Race 2018 is out of the picture. Not enough time to get trained and peak, and get a visa, and get the High School Mountain Bike team I coach ready for the impending racing season. Powered by WPeMatico
Road To Elbrus – Morgan in the Dark – 13 August
When I first began this whole idea of returning to Elbrus Race, like I did in 2010 and 2013, I hadn’t been running at all. I’d even quit running on the treadmill. Training to be a mountain biking coach, in spite of my limited technical skills. I even get to ride with some really super fast kids, so it’s tough work for me. I’ve been so injured this past year that it’s been hard to recover and keep up a lot of the time. For those of you who don’t normally follow me, or my adventures, I entered Elbrus Race 2010, but was unable to continue after a lazy cook…
Running Morgan in the Dark
If you can call it running, sure. It’s at least getting in some vertical and testing out my ability to pull it off. I woke at 3:30 AM, while the world slept, and prepared to head out to do a not very popular Strava segment loosely called Morgan Blvd. Over the years it’s changed a bit, since there is a lot of overpriced, overlarge, overhyped housing development going on here on the far east side of north Utah County. On the one hand it’s nice because they added a little park and a paved rec path set down just a little bit further from the houses than before. On the…
Road to Elbrus – Car Chat – 15 August 2018
It’s all coming together too quickly. The High School Mountain Bike Races and my position as a Coach for my team. My training to ride with the fastest of my group. Training to run has been put aside for the summer in previous years. What about this year? What about the Red Fox Elbrus Race in May 2019? Powered by WPeMatico
Elbrus Car Chat 15 August
Sitting in my car at work thinking out loud about Elbrus Race. I found the original impetus for this Elbrus Race insanity – the Red Fox Elbrus Race. The website is somewhat klunky. More than somewhat, actually. I might have to keep my eyes open on it for when they announce the opening of registration for next May. The first week of May, surrounded by Russian Holidays. That might be interesting to check into. In case you missed the story, I was at the Barrels Huts coming down from an unsuccessful climb of Elbrus when we had to work around a few dozen super fit fast dudes getting off the…
Road To Elbrus – Skyrunning Training – 10 Aug 2018
It’s like one big game of “what-if” and you know the odds are against you. Elbrus Race 2018? In only six weeks? With enough time to get a Russian Visa? By Mail? Dang I’m a glutton for punishment. Powered by WPeMatico