Author: Charles Miske

  • Core Week – Rotation Planks

    Very simple and very effective – works your entire core, including your abs and obliques and the QL. I like to use something to take the stress off my wrists when I do planks. In the video below I’m using the Perfect Pushup handles to allow my wrists to stay in a neutral position and…

  • Core Week – Roman Chair Crunches

    First up in this week of core movements is the Roman Chair Crunch. I have a Back Hyperextension/Roman Chair combination bench. Hop up to sit on the large front pads with the large fleshy part of your hamstrings, and hook your ankles under the round foot pads. Lean back carefully. If you’ve never done this…

  • 80 calories of frozen veggies

    This is what 80 calories of frozen mixed veggies looks like. Add in 8 oz. of chicken breast for a 300 calorie meal that’s pretty good and good for you. I like Fajita Seasoning on it in the steamer.

  • Glute and Hamstring Training – Warmup

    Recently on my Facebook page I linked to an article about Posterior Chain training. That’s a fancy phrase that powerlifters use to describe the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. These are basically the “pulling” muscles if you lay flat on the floor on your front and pull your knees off the ground and up behind…

  • Hobbies, Trolls, and Goals

    I use my Facebook Page to comment at on some of the really interesting articles there. Sometimes agree, sometimes disagree, sometimes pointing out a simple addition or omission – nothing really serious mind you. Mostly this puts the article on my Facebook Page, so those subscribing (by Liking) my page can view some info…

  • Scrambled eggs and salmon with salsa

    I used about 1/4 cup of salsa and it was pretty well absorbed by the salmon. I scrambled the eggs, then added the salmon and salsa to the pan and stirred it all up till heated through.