Author: Charles Miske

  • Polar Personal Trainer Website

    I’ve used the Polar FT60 in the past, and currently use the FT80. The software that comes with them tracks your stats at – which I’ve been using for tracking my indoor non-GPS workouts for a few years. To be totally honest, both watches have all kinds of features I’ve never used, and probably…

  • Training Log Example – Weekly Blog Log

    The below is an example of a training log taken from a Blogger Blog I share with my wife to track our daily workouts, eating, and goals. I use a little shorthand, since I’ve been doing this for years. Each day immediately after each exercise I write what I do on a small whiteboard I…

  • Sitting is Killing You [infographic]

    I was looking for information on a report I heard about a few months ago claiming statistically significant impact on mortality rates for simply “sitting” at a desk and ran into this cool infographic: I do a lot of sitting as part of my job as a computer geek, and as a writer and blogger,…

  • Steamed Salmon and Green Beans

    I’m back to my hard training diet, so a couple times a week I’ll be eating steamed fish or poultry with veggies. I’m trying to see if I can get my bodyfat into the single digits as I train for Elbrus Race 2012. I need to make sure I burn fat an keep or increase…

  • Elbrus Race 2012 Qualifier Training Considerations

    Elbrus – 18,510 ft (5,642 m) is a volcano in the Caucasus Mountains of Russia. It’s one of the Seven Summits, and also one of the Volcanic Seven Summits. It is generally considered the highest peak in Europe, and is included on both the Bass and Messner Lists. In 2010 I trained to enter in…

  • Steaming Vegetables Healthy Meal

    I love my steamed veggies, especially when I put them in tomato soup with black beans. Yum. I’ll probably mention this a few more times though …