Tag: attitude

  • Jim Whittaker Quote – On the edge

    “Being out on the edge, with everything at risk, is where you learn and grow the most.” — Jim Whittaker I took Todd Gilles out ice climbing at Lincoln Falls – story HERE and HERE. I led the first pitch and ran it out to the end of a 70M rope. That left about 25M…

  • Inspirational Quotes: Hills to Climb

    Inspirational Quotes: Hills to Climb… After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. Nelson Mandela I have a notebook full of inspirational quotes and this is one I reflect on frequently. I’ve been to the top of so many hills in my life. From that lofty vantage,…

  • Inspirational Sayings: Man on Top

    Inspirational Sayings are one of my favorite “down-time” activities on Pinterest, like MY INSPIRATIONAL SAYINGS BOARD which is one of my favorites. The photo I used to create this inspirational sayings poster was from my summit of the Carstensz Pyramid on 30 April 2013. At the time I thought I had a cracked rib, but…

  • The Secret of Life: Conquer Some Fear

    An awesome quote drifted past my desk today, and I had to share it with you. In climbing and training and in all of life, we have to face fears every day. Or live in denial. Sit down with a beer and a bag of chips and watch some WWE on pay-per-view. It’s a lot…

  • Inspirational Sayings: Never Been Before

    One of my favorite inspirational sayings, and the one that I am most stoked about at the moment as I sit in the hotel room in Ouray Colorado for the Ice Fest, is in this image I put together quick. It’s a photo of my wife, who is a great figure skater reaching out of…

  • Fat Loss with New Years Resolutions

    Got Fat Loss? Like much of the civilized world right now you want to know about fat loss. It’s the very edge of 2013. You are probably thinking up some new years resolutions. If you’re like most people, you also are making the wrong resolutions. Or your resolutions are poorly formed. Here are some ideas…