Category: Blog

  • Morning Road Running – Beginning Groove

    After my amazing fun adventure running up and down both Tiger and Cougar Mountains near Seattle Washington, I had to make some decisions. The weather was awesome. Forties and raining. The trails were wet and smooth. I loved it. I managed to get in about seven or so miles each of the three days I…

  • Thinking of Quandary This Month

    I’ve been chatting with my wife about my goals and plans for the coming year. One is to finally finish up Elbrus, Race or not. In discussing my plans in regards to finishing Elbrus, we thought that perhaps I should try to get in a once-a-month climb of Quandary, regardless of weather. Elbrus has atrocious…

  • Evolution of a Cyclist

    Chain Reaction Cycles posted this on Facebook recently, and I realized just how very true this is. Evolution of a #cyclist #cycling #stravacycling #wahoofitness #kickrcore — Charles Miske (@tripeakprod) November 20, 2018 Powered by WPeMatico

  • Message From Moab 18 August

    Sadly, it looks like Elbrus Race 2018 is out of the picture. Not enough time to get trained and peak, and get a visa, and get the High School Mountain Bike team I coach ready for the impending racing season. Powered by WPeMatico

  • Road To Elbrus – Morgan in the Dark – 13 August

    When I first began this whole idea of returning to Elbrus Race, like I did in 2010 and 2013, I hadn’t been running at all. I’d even quit running on the treadmill. Training to be a mountain biking coach, in spite of my limited technical skills. I even get to ride with some really super…

  • Winter End Musings – Where do we go from here?

    It’s been a long few years since I ended up returning to work as a “mere employee” and having to waste a lot of time commuting and then sitting at at desk in an office with 26 male employoees and one toilet between us. Since most of them are typical fast-food survivors and need to…