Author: Charles Miske

  • Ultimate Upper Body Cardio Training

    Concept2 SkiErg Training The moment I saw a clip of this in action, I knew this would be the most awesome training for low-angle ice, or glacier climbing ever. I think it was originally intended for cross country ski training, and having done some XC skiing way back in the day, I can see the…

  • On the road food

  • My Fat Headshot from 2005

    Was digging around and found this from August 2005 on the trail of Castle Peak, a Fourteener in Colorado. I’m obviously very fat here, though this is not my maximum weight. As I recall this is around 220 lb. In December of 2006 I peaked at 235 lb. I’ve been approximately 185 lb since June…

  • Running below freezing can be fun

    I’ve been wanting to get to Colorado for some high altitude cold training, since Utah has been so warm and dry so far this winter (aside from nice ice climbing I got in). Earlier today I got a chance to run at 5 degrees F on a dirt road for emergency and maintenance access to…

  • Why Am I Doing This?

    If you are interested in training at all, reading all the really good information in books, articles and forums on the net, you’ll see a lot of devoted fanboyz pushing their magic pills and formulas. Train like a powerlifter. Olympic lifter. 400 Savage Paleo lifter. Functional. Bodybuilder. Complicated set and rep schedules that take software…

  • Training Report for November 2011

    For November I increased my weight training a bit. My own personal opinion is that during the cold and dark winter months the body naturally goes into a form of anti-hybernation. You sleep more and eat more. Optimum conditions for gaining muscle mass. So I upped my weight training. For weights right now I’m doing…