Author: Charles Miske

  • Steve House Training Seminar Part 1

    At the 2014 Ouray Ice Fest I attended a Steve House Training Seminar based on his most recent book. I’ve been excited by the prospect of looking at this book since I first heard about it a couple of years ago. One of my friends is a Reviewer and told me he was getting an…

  • The Secret of Life: Conquer Some Fear

    An awesome quote drifted past my desk today, and I had to share it with you. In climbing and training and in all of life, we have to face fears every day. Or live in denial. Sit down with a beer and a bag of chips and watch some WWE on pay-per-view. It’s a lot…

  • Inspirational Sayings: Never Been Before

    One of my favorite inspirational sayings, and the one that I am most stoked about at the moment as I sit in the hotel room in Ouray Colorado for the Ice Fest, is in this image I put together quick. It’s a photo of my wife, who is a great figure skater reaching out of…

  • Trap Bar Deadlift Video

    I’m a fan of the Trap Bar Deadlift. The Trap Bar is a hexagonal bar that surrounds your legs as you stand, with the handles on the side and set front-to-back. This allows for a different position for your arms and hands. If you have any kind of shoulder, elbow or wrist issues this might…

  • Ice Climbing Training: Ice Tool Chinups

    Ice Climbing Training can involve many aspects of fitness. One that is often overlooked is Ice Tool Chinups. For me this is a power and strength exercise, not an endurance exercise. Any normal ice climber on any normal route shouldn’t have to do too many full chinups on their tools. I don’t see a lot…

  • How to Log and Compare Workouts

    In my most recent book The 100 Calorie Diet Plan (available in Print on Amazon andCreatespace, and for Kindle and for Nook ebooks) I explain briefly how to log your workouts and then make steady incremental progress from workout to workout. For a more complete explanation and a better example than in the book, here’s two of my recent training sessions compared side-by-side.…